lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2015

My dream job

Well, obviously I want work as public administrator to collaborate to the people´s welfare. But I would like work in three areas: Energy, Transport and Construction.  I think that is very necessary young blood in those ministries and public services because the world is changing and for that it needs the new ideas and volition. My idea is to see a Chile clean, with a healthy environment. For this reason is a necessary take good decision and remove the corruption in the plans and bids.
But too a dream very desired it is become me in ambassador in some country on Europe. I love travel and know different lifestyles. I never have left Chile but always there is a one time.  I would be the happiest man in the world working in a little state as San Marino or Liechtenstein. For that too I chose this career.

I always have wanted to be football player but I never enter to a football academy because I prefer study. It´s the best mode to be someone in the life and too I think the knowledge is the best food to the soul. If I was a football player I wouldn´t concerned in the fame or money if not in to do what makes me happy. 

lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

How green are you?

Well, I am not familiar with recycling, but I try living cleaner possible. I hate when people throw trash in the streets or parks.  That it´s proper of poor cultures. I admired to some countries in Europe like Scandinavian countries or Germany because they know so much about take care the Earth, its resources and the ecology in general. It´s common sense to take care of our resources and ecosystem because there is only one Earth and human´s selfish could finish with everything. For example the ice in poles, together with the different animals that live there.  
I try caring my environment through a healthy life. I take short showers, walk as much I can, and in the future I want avoid buy a car, preferring the public system transport. If I buy one, will be an total electric car. Too I  would love that Chile left to use gasoline buses and It adopts electric or gas vehicles like transvias or efficient  buses. In a lot of places on the world they are used like Europa, China, Japan or USA.

I think that it’s so much important the personal actions against pollution but the most transcendental is the government support and the collaboration among them.

lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015

A video that I like

My favorite video currently is a musical video of a song called “Dance, Dance” by Fall Out Boy. When I´m sad or bored I like watch this video because It´s very funny and happy. It´s a song tell about a party where the players are the band´s members. Everyone in the party goes crazy and dances like if there were no tomorrow. In the middle there is a love story and other problems that exist in the high school life. There a lot of notable scenes as of a typical film part where the group of loser friends try become in popular, catching the attention through ridiculous dances or trying conquering popular girls and then to be rejected. I love this video for that, it shows the classic American parties that people hates in film like American Pie. But it´s the meaninglessness making that the video clip be so funny. I think that only few people don´t laugh with stupid that the actors does in this film, but there are some scenes out of places.

The music is very animated and It´s impossible doesn´t want to go and dance, jump and song like a freak. I recommend this video because this music is perfect to hang out or become a metro travel in something so much happy. And better if you are alone in your home and begin to dance.

lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015

The films that I love and hate

I always have loved historical and comedy movies. But favorite film in the world is Midnight in Paris. I like it because mix History, art, culture, love and Paris. This film is about a American writer, Gil Pender (Owen Wilson) travelling with his fiancée, Inez (Rachel McAdams) to Paris. She is an empty and superficial woman, while Gil is a sensible and deep man.  In their visit they were sightseeing for Paris´s monuments and museums. A night Gil walks alone and loses.  Suddenly an ancient car met him. Gil knew Picasso, Stein, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, and other important artists in a time travel. Finally Gil moved to Paris and Inez was unfaithful with an ex. In this movie Paris is shown in its entire splendor, mixed with an story simple and catchy.

The film that I hate forever is Karadima. I went with my girlfriend to the cinema. But I must admit that I watched only half movie. It was grotesque, with a strong story, not able to sensible people like me. Sometimes I think in the poor Benjamin Vicuña. It hasn´t been easy record sexual scenes. It´s true, this movie wanted show real cases to sensitize to our society, objective maybe complete. But in my personal opinion I didn´t enjoy and I would wish never have watched. 
I always have loved historical and comedy movies. But favorite film in the world is Midnight in Paris. I like it because mix History, art, culture, love and Paris. This film is about a American writer, Gil Pender (Owen Wilson) travelling with his fiancée, Inez (Rachel McAdams) to Paris. She is an empty and superficial woman, while Gil is a sensible and deep man.  In their visit they were sightseeing for Paris´s monuments and museums. A night Gil walks alone and loses.  Suddenly an ancient car met him. Gil knew Picasso, Stein, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, and other important artists in a time travel. Finally Gil moved to Paris and Inez was unfaithful with an ex. In this movie Paris is shown in its entire splendor, mixed with an story simple and catchy.

The film that I hate forever is Karadima. I went with my girlfriend to the cinema. But I must admit that I watched only half movie. It was grotesque, with a strong story, not able to sensible people like me. Sometimes I think in the poor Benjamin Vicuña. It hasn´t been easy record sexual scenes. It´s true, this movie wanted show real cases to sensitize to our society, objective maybe complete. But in my personal opinion I didn´t enjoy and I would wish never have watched. 

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015

A day that I will always remember

I will never forget the day that I knew to my actual girlfriend…well, when she knew me. In the last year of secondary I traveled every morning in Metro. I read books while listen music. I didn´t know that a girl always traveled with me and she usually looked at me. Through a facebook page she found me. This happened a Friday and the next Monday we met us. Monday, August 19, 2013 is a date that I will always remember because I fell in love of that girl that always looked silently at me. Just one hour was enough to know that we would be together for a long time. Sometimes people say that the fast things end faster. She said that day “I love you” and then she hidden her face of shame. I don´t remember a moment more tender that this. But how I´m very bad I said to that girl that I traveled to study in Argentina. She felt too much sad. I told that it was a joke and I kept with her. She was very angry with me but we realized that needed us. After that we kissed us. 

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015

The Perfect Song

Music must be one way preferred to express our senses. Since immemorial times people has played and listened music to tell stories or to say different things. The perfect song to me is “I Still Remember” by Bloc Party. It isn´t the most popular song of this band but It´s the most I feel. The idea in the song is tell about a story in a routine relationship day, highlighting normal events express and sentimentally. The lyrics are very deep and sensitive, but It isn´t slow and boring. It has harmony in the voice, it resulting an impact at the moment of listen it. The phrases in the lyrics that most represent the senses in the song are:
You said "it's just like a full moon". 
Blood beats faster in our veins 
We left our trousers by the canal 
And our fingers, they almost touched

But maybe the most interesting thing in the song is the musical video that is the perfect complement to the lyrics and music. Since the first time I watched that I loved it and discovered that It will be my favorite song. The truth is nobody feels that I feel but I always will consider like a masterpiece.

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015

The best holidays I've ever had

I have two favorite holidays. The first was with my mother. We went to Valdivia when I was 16 years old. I love Valdivia for it calm ambient, numerous natural activities and the perfect occasion to be in family. We spent two weeks there and I remember that it happened very faster. Also in Valdivia was my first time…in a Casino. I must agree that I have good luck in the love and the game because with $1000 I won $8000.
In the last place the holiday I never will forget was with my girlfriend. We went to Viña del Mar for the day but it was an amazing experience together. We love food, so we went to Valparaiso to eat the famous chorrillanas in JCruz. The truth is I have stomach ache and I didn´t eat so much. But I didn´t resisted to the chorrillana, so we ate and magically I feel much better. Then we moved on to the beach in Viña and I could admired to my girlfriend in bikini. With a little of sand in my shoes we had to come back to the reality and the Santiago´s summer.

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2015

A Country I Woluld Like to Visit

I always dream I´m in the middle of a forest, on the banks of a river. One time I watched a tv show where a man visted many places around the world. Since then I´ve gone to the Alps, especially Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic and Austria.  I want travel through of different of their cities and town, and then walk for forest and navigate in blue rivers. Also I want to see the panoramas that que those countries can offer like museums, cafes, pubs, parks, etc. Obviously that was very boring of live alone. For that I will plan go with my girlfriend. She also want travel and know a lot of different places and to have good memories about that.

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2015


Hi, I´m Valentin Rodriguez. I am 19 years old and was born in January, in midsummer.  I´m studying Public Administration in University of Chile. My dream is travel around the world and to know a lot of different countries as Chilean official. But I don´t want to go alone. My girlfriend will come with me.  
I like read realistic novels of authors as Lev Tolstoi, Stendhal, Dostoievski, etc. But I love read History books to know different cultures and to imagine other times and places that I don´t know. So I like football and specially the leagues in Europe like English or Italian.

I hope to learn so much in my career, doing friends and living multiples experiences. So I want grow skills that help me in my professional career.

sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2015

Plataforma 2

The hardest task for me was the listening because the actors talked very faster and sometimes it was hard learn that they said. The easiest part was the quizs, especially those about interesting topics like education, stereotypes or The Simpsons. But the tasks about complete the sentences were very hard because the answer to the sentences were very similar.

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015

Activities Experience

The activities in the web platform are good tools to grow our skills. But in my opinion there were activities that weren’t useless like online shops to buy desks. Quiz was a greatly method to exercise interactively, too the activities about complete the sentences with words or concepts. Writing and Reading are the skills that we have practiced more with text and presentation, without forget the listening activities. 

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

Blogs Experience

Blogs are an important tool to express our thinking and senses. In my experience I think that post in the blogs is a very good complement to our learning. We’ve acquired new knowledge as words, concepts and skills to writer. Too the blog´s themes were so funny, in special the last, where we wrote about our favorite books. Now it´s easier and quicker big texts and they will have more contents.
Exercising in blogs I feel more prepared to communicate on this globalized world. It´s very necessary to know English if we want participate with other people of different countries. In the future I like tell to the classes about the blogs in the session to practice the oral and not only what is written.   
I think that we could have written about different themes in the first blogs. I like themes as our dreams, places that  We want to visit, ideas to change the world, beautiful family moments, etc.
But I hope that this tool keep in the time  because it´s very useful and more if complement with oral tools as dissertations, expositions, etc about the same blog´s themes for that I have more energy talking about my favorite things.

viernes, 21 de agosto de 2015

My favorite books

Hi, I will tell you about a theme that I admired: books.  The first book that I read was Ancient History. It was an illustrated book about different cultures in the past. I like History books; in my house I have an encyclopedia that it has 800 pages!!! But my favorite books are the realist old novels. I have three favorites novels: Ana Karenina was written by Leon Tolstoy. It tell stories of the Russian aristocracy. War and Peace is of the same author, and too tell stories about Russian aristocracy but the special in these works is that They show so much themes of the humanity like the love, war, betrayal , passion, friendship, etc. And finally 100 Years of Loneliness, written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, tell about a family that lives in Macondo. During 100 years the Buendias and his descendent live too much experienced like love, death, passion and forgotten.

I am always reading a book. It´s my best company in my Metro´s travels. I´m reading a book that It´s called Sense and Sensibility. It tells ths storie of love of sisters for a pair of men.  Greed and ambition represent the core of this book. It was written by Jane Austen.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015

Fast food

Hello friends, Do you like fast food? Well, in my opinion fast food is the tastiest in the world.  I love it because it´s cheaper and more delicious that home food.  Also I like it because it´s perfect to share with friends in parties or meetings.
I prefer eat fast foods in Malls because I feel more comfortable in those places. The worst places to eat that food are in itinerant business because I have sickened there.  McDondalds, Fritz, KFC, Tarragona or Telepizza are my favorite places to eat fast food, always with good company like my girlfriend or my best friends.  To these places I go one time for week aprox.  However in vacation I can to go until three or four times in a week. I know that´s not healthy but I tried don’t eat very often. So I do physical exercises to offset it. I wait that wiil be effective.
My favorite fast foods are cheese hamburgers, pizzas, cheese patty, hot dogs, etc. I love cheese food.  So I like it Italian hamburgers and BBQ.

Good bye classmates.  

viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

The expert that I admired

Max Weber

Hi, today I'm going to tell about the expert that I admired: Max Weber. He was born in 21st April 1846 in Germany. He was a philosopher, economist, jurist, historian, political scientist and sociologist. Weber is considered like the founder of modern Public Administration through of an antipostive vision. He died in 14th June 1920. 
Weber worked all his life in different areas of the Social Sciences, highlighting his written about Sociology and the modern bases of Public Administration. Example of that are Politics as a Vocation and The Protestant Ethic and The Spirit of Capitalism. 
His thinking influenced to big thinkers of all XX century that belonged to the Hermeneutic movement like Habermas, Adorno or Horckheiner. 
I like him because he was an clever and studious man that dedicated his time and energy in develop the Socials Science. Weber worked for his country in moments where the chaos and anarchy threatened the integrity of the German people. 
Thanks to him my carrer is what today it is. 

domingo, 21 de junio de 2015

My Favorite Film

Hi classmates, how are you?? I’m going to tell you about my favorite film: Midnight in Paris. It’s starring by Owen Wilson and Rachel McAdams. This film tell the story about an American writer (Wilson) that goes to Paris with her fiancée (Rachel). So Wilson walks for Paris where has adventures that carries to the past. I love this film because show the best of Paris, its culture and its spirit. Too it shows scene of an ancient Paris and recreations of greatest writers and artists of the past centuries.

The first time that I saw it was for an accident. I turned on my TV and had a scene of Wilson in Versailles. That captivated me. My likes include historic films like Troy, Inglorious Bastards, Alexander, or Comedy films like Click, Jackass, etc. The most recent film that I´ve seen was Valkyrie starring by Tom Cruise like the Coronel Staufenberg, who plane kill to Hitler in an attack. This way would terminate the WWII.

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2015

A Photograph You Like

Well, I want tell you about my favorite photograph. Curiously I haven’t been the one toke these photograph. They come of Wikipedia. Since years ago I write an Encyclopedia about every country of Europe. So I decided search info and photos in Wikipedia. These photos show forest and rivers; a lot of green and blue. The truth I don’t know when they were taken but haven’t much time.  
I like these photos because show places where I want go. It’s something more spiritual, it don’t explain it with words. But it would be like a dream that comply. Who wouldn’t want be in that park or swim in middle of the summer in that river, and then sleep under the black pine’s shadow??
For me that is the meaning of life. Those photos allow me dream about a better future, where my life flow like the river´s beat.

PD: Too I want be in a snowy Christmas

domingo, 24 de mayo de 2015

My Favourite Music

Sometimes I think how would be the life of the people without music. It allows reflect about the life’s mysteries. My favorite kind of music it’s the indie, because it relax me and it help me to think in different things like the life, dreams, love or sadness. Formerly I listened harder music like rock, punk, and etc. but I want anything that would rise my mind. So I knew my favorite band until today: Bloc Party. One day I watched on TV a musical video. This video was “I Still Remember” by Bloc Party. This song made me dream with things that I like; forest, rivers and trains. They are English and her vocalist is Kele Okereke. He isn’t the best but I like. My favorite integrant is Matt Tong, the drummer.

I never have gone to a concert but I want to go to the Lollapalooza 2016 and maybe I can see to Bloc Party or my favorite indie bands like Bastille
, The Royal Concept or Beirut

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

Expectations for a New Semester

Hi, It has started a new academic year and We expect pass all our subjects. I, Valentin Rodriguez, want pass all my subjects with excellent notes. There are some subjects very hard to me like Microeconomic, Applied Statistics, and other easier like Administration Theory or Administrative Law. I am not taking an extracurricular subject because I don’t want collapse for to have too many subjects. This way I have more time for being with my girlfriend, go out with my friends or simply read some good book.

I’m going to study so much for comply with my objectives. My idea is finish the career the fastest possible. For that I need pass all my subjects in the first time. This are my expectatives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

My favourite Piece of Technology

Hi, today I’m going to speak about a instrument that ease our activities to the most of people: cell phones.  My actual device is a Sony Xperia ZR that exchanged for my ancient device, a Motorola Moto G. I use it for everything. From call to my mom or girlfriend to play my favorite game: European War 4. Also I can be always connected with my friends and classmates.
I like because is an all-in-one. It is my camera, music player, game console, computer, etc. My device simplifies my life in too many aspects. To check my mail is the first what I do in the morning and the last what I do before sleep. My life without it would be boring and harder.  

If ease the life, Why not use it??!!!!

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

Valentin Rodriguez "Skanderbeg"

Hello, my name is Valentin Emmanuel Rodriguez Campos, and my pseudonym is Skanderbeg. I was born on January, 19th, 1996 in Santiago. I studied high school in the Instituto Nacional. And then I entered to the carrer of Public Administration in the Universidad de Chile, where currently study in second year.
I live with mi mother Monica and grandmother Floridena in the suburbs of Santiago, front of a vineyard. And also I fell in love of a beautiful woman, Maria Fernanda. Read, football, Europe, maps, History are some of my hobbies.
My favourite colors are blue (for the european rivers) and the green (for the european forests like the Bohemian forest)
My dreams are travel for Europe and visit every conutry and to have a quiet life. For this motives I entered to this carrer.
Bloc Party rocks <3