miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016

My worst and best holidays

My worst holidays were when I was only 11 years.  I went with my uncles and cousins to my cousin’s home in Valparaiso. It was an old and big house, very far of Valparaiso’s center but near of the beach. It was the first time I went in holidays without my mother, and I can to say that it was a terrible experience. Everyday there was awkward because my cousin bothered me for all things that I did. But I tried to be of the better cheer up to make happy to my uncles. But there were good days, where we walked around the city, and in the afternoon went to the beach. On the night, we had a lunch and played dominoes late. We were one week in Valparaiso and thinking well, it wasn´t a terrible holiday but definitely it wasn’t the best.
On the other hand, in Valdivia was my favorite holiday. I love that city because it´s really green, and full of places to know the nature, like Saval Park, Calle Calle riverside, Teja Island or Niebla. Also, Valdivia is very near of other southern cities as Osorno, Puerto Montt and others. However, every time that I go, we travel in car to Panguipulli, the most beautiful town in Chile. It has a great and wonderful lake, called Panguipulli, and it’s surrounded for a lot of trees. In summer is fantastic visit it because the beach is full of people meeting in family. The lake has quiet and non-cold water, therefore is relaxing to swim and see the sky while the white clouds pass.

In Valdivia there are a lot of things to do. In my favorite holiday, with my family went to Valdivia’s casino. But there were some problems because in these times I was already under age, so I didn´t enter. However, I look a little bigger to my age, so enter and I played in the machines with 100 pesos.  But, I won 8000 pesos, that with my family spent in a bar, drinking some “water”. The next day we go to Macera Island, an ancient Spanish fort, and with my uncle walk around the island. I never was happiest. 

miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016


While the time advances, the seasons change. A short time ago people in Chile lived a cold winter, with little rains but gray days. Everyone were full of clothes, as jackets, hats, scarfs, etc.
The spring has passed very faster. But it´s impossible talk about the spring without to mention the National holidays, known in Chile like “18”. Finally finish the ugly and cold winter days, and begin the sunshine, beautiful flowers and fresh breeze. It isn´t only in Chile where it’s celebrated that season. Around the world, especially in long winters countries, spring is considered as happy period because people in winter must stay in their homes for the cruel climate conditions. Also, spring can coincide with harvest times. People work in community to help in the harvest, since the children to old man and animals.
And now, at least in Chile, we are entering in Summer, specific in 21st December, though the hot days already have arrived. It can be a happy season because people go out to take a walk in fresh afternoon or have a dinner in a restaurant. Also, for the general a lot of people have summer´s holidays. For that reason, you can go out with your friends or family, travel and knowing new places or enjoy known cities or towns. In my opinion summer is the best season to me because when there are really hot days I prefer go out to a park with my girlfriend a take a rest below a tree. Also, I meet with my school friends and buy some beers to later play a soccer match, climb a hill and the night drink until the sunrise.

For the last, the fall is a signal that responsibilities are come back. Specially to us, as university students and the other people with their jobs or studies. Too, the weather becomes less nice. Begin the shorter and colder days. But, not all is so bad, because when there are cold time, the better that you can do is stay in home, with a warm coffee, lying in your bed

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016

Different cultures

It’s really interesting to admire the different manifestations of culture that can be. Since the languages until the way in that they move inside their territory, culture is the cleanest expression of the individual, and the community.
Languages can be one of the cultural phenomena most studied in the world. So, English is the language most expanded among the different countries actually, changing and adding a lot of concepts to the other languages. In China and USA, is clearly understandable the concept of “email”. On the other hand, since Tokyo until Temuco, “Sushi” is the word that represents the same idea of a compact meal.
 The previous phenomenon is caused for the Globalization Process. This has introduced a lot of changes in the international relationships and even in the internal structures politics, socials, economics, etc. of the countries. Thus, national cultures too have suffered changes. Paris is known for be a lush city, but didn´t scape to McDonald’s restaurants, the same case to Tokyo and every big city. However, globalization has given great benefits. The culture has become in something more accessible that in the past. Every people can visit the greatest Da Vinci’s pictures in Louvre, or travel on camel toward the Giza’s pyramids.  Globalization has reduced the distances among the countries, being enough 24 hours to be since Santiago to China. Also, the prices are cheaper, so that to a middle class person can travel if he/she propose it.
Christmas, a north European holiday has become in a global event, maybe the biggest happening every year. But, this contrasts with local holidays or events of each nation or country. Globalization also has stressed the differences among countries, regions or people. That causes people want to know other places and persons. Maybe to that is necessary leave the tourism circuits and to admire the places less visited.

To know the glamour of Mediterranean Sea, is better don’t go to Nice, Cannes or Marseille, and to prefer countries like Croatia, Albania or Montenegro.  Their culture is rich because mixed Latin and Slavs influences, giving to their cities an elegant aspect. On the other hand, to admire the most pure Chinese culture, is recommendable go out of the crowded cities and visit less explored zones like the interior riversides, especially on the most important rivers like the Blue and Yellow River.

lunes, 11 de enero de 2016

Second semeter thoughts

This semester has been really strong. Finish in the middle of January isn´t funny to everyone. But all isn´t so hard in the last year. I had good moments with my school friends, including football, play and alcohol. Too I had great days with my girlfriend. We went to fondas, parties and romantic dates along the semester. Those moments gave me so much encouragement to be good in the university. We started just in October and the classes are very fast and hard, with a lot of homework, investigations and tests. Macroeconomic and accounting are the hardest subjects to me until today.
Too for that I haven´t could go out so enough with my friends, that feel me a bit of sad, but I hope that I can to be more with them and with my girlfriend. It´s really sad when there are beautiful days outside and you can´t because the next day there is a test or an investigation. But the best gratification is a good mark won with sacrifice and effort. That is the only form to In the future have better chances to develop myself.

Just finish this semester I promise that I´m going to sleep three full days, play a lot of soccer play station games, drink beer with my friends and above all go out with my girlfriend and to have so much romantic dates.

lunes, 4 de enero de 2016

2016 resolutions and predictions

I have too many expectations about this New Year. And that it´s because I´m studying in my third year in University; It will be the middle of the career. But that is personal. In the world I think that It´ll be a year with important decisions of many countries about something themes as Terrorism, ecology and economy.  I hope that cooperation will be more important that selfish decisions.
The last year was too much exhausting because with the University´s strikes we still don´t finish the class. But I still feel so happy in this career because it´s what I love. Too I feel so animated for to be in third year, that means there is less. In the last tests I have good marks and pass all my subjects. To 2016 I propose give it all to have success in my career, without passing anxieties like the last year.
Too I hope to have more relaxed moments and can take rest. I think that I deserve really good vacations somewhere, without anything to study or concerns. This way I come back with all of energy to study and do my activities. I really need get it back my good energies. I want too to share more with my classmates because the last year I don´t have so much time to share a time with them, thing that I´m sorry.
Finally I want discovered new under European music, go out and walk through Santiago while listen it and come back to play football, this time in the University. That depends with the time.