lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

How green are you?

Well, I am not familiar with recycling, but I try living cleaner possible. I hate when people throw trash in the streets or parks.  That it´s proper of poor cultures. I admired to some countries in Europe like Scandinavian countries or Germany because they know so much about take care the Earth, its resources and the ecology in general. It´s common sense to take care of our resources and ecosystem because there is only one Earth and human´s selfish could finish with everything. For example the ice in poles, together with the different animals that live there.  
I try caring my environment through a healthy life. I take short showers, walk as much I can, and in the future I want avoid buy a car, preferring the public system transport. If I buy one, will be an total electric car. Too I  would love that Chile left to use gasoline buses and It adopts electric or gas vehicles like transvias or efficient  buses. In a lot of places on the world they are used like Europa, China, Japan or USA.

I think that it’s so much important the personal actions against pollution but the most transcendental is the government support and the collaboration among them.

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