viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

The expert that I admired

Max Weber

Hi, today I'm going to tell about the expert that I admired: Max Weber. He was born in 21st April 1846 in Germany. He was a philosopher, economist, jurist, historian, political scientist and sociologist. Weber is considered like the founder of modern Public Administration through of an antipostive vision. He died in 14th June 1920. 
Weber worked all his life in different areas of the Social Sciences, highlighting his written about Sociology and the modern bases of Public Administration. Example of that are Politics as a Vocation and The Protestant Ethic and The Spirit of Capitalism. 
His thinking influenced to big thinkers of all XX century that belonged to the Hermeneutic movement like Habermas, Adorno or Horckheiner. 
I like him because he was an clever and studious man that dedicated his time and energy in develop the Socials Science. Weber worked for his country in moments where the chaos and anarchy threatened the integrity of the German people. 
Thanks to him my carrer is what today it is. 

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